El último vuelo del Baron Rojo.

Manfred Von Richthofen, alias `El Baron Rojo`, el heroe alemán del cielo en la primera guerra mundial, murio en combate en Morlancourt Ridge cerca del rio Somme. Revive sus aventuras en este sensacional juego de combate con aviones en 3D.
When the battleplane stops on the lawn, press the key `W`, the battleplane start accelerating-coasting, pay attention to maintains thebattleplane has certain elevation angle, don`t let the battleplane crash. Move mouse to control the battleplane, you can see the mini map on the bottom left, don`t fly too far away from the based. otherwise, you will be punished by the military deserter. Aim with the telescopic sights alignment enemy battleplane, then press the left mouse button to fire, shoot for a while, release the mouse buttonto prevent the barrel overheated. If you see the small instrumental observation on the right bottom point to the red region, the battleplane will start smoking, you need to descend the battleplane to the lawn, the battleplane start repair automatically when it stop. You need to descend the battleplane (when you see battleplane`s shadow), then press the key `G`, the battleplane starts to decelerate.