Starmageddon, la defensa del planeta Tierra

Starmageddon, la defensa del planeta Tierra

El fin del planeta se acerca. Esos malditos Aliens han vuelto, con la intención de invadir este pequeño rincon de la galaxia que es el planeta tierra. Todavia no han aprendido, que un solo hombre en su nave espacial es capaz de aniquilar su flota entera. Sal ahí fuera y enseñales quien manda!


Move with the mouse or WASD or arrow keys. Your guns fire automatically. Activate your shockwave using the mouse button or M or Z keys. Pause with the SPACE bar. Obliterate enemy alien spaceships as they attack in ever greater numbers. Use your shockwave to disintegrate enemy photon bullets, block their laser beams and inflict more damage on their spaceships. You can't reuse your shockwave until the blue power bar in the bottom right corner replenishes. Collect bonuses ejected from dying ships: coins - $10 + 5 poins diamonds - $100 + 25 points blue - 100 points green - 500 points orange - increment score multiplier Your score multiplier applies to all points awarded for destroying enemies and collecing bonuses up until the end of the level. Spend accumulated money buying upgrades between levels.


mousecontrol + arrows